Two men from the same family disappeared at the hands of Air Force Intelligence and Political Security

Two men from the same family disappeared at the hands of Air Force Intelligence and Political Security

On May 1, 2018, the Human Rights Protectors Organization addressed the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances regarding the case of two Syrian citizens from Al-Treimsha in the Hama countryside, who disappeared in Hama Governorate in western central Syria in 2012 and 2013 after they were arrested during a raid on one of their homes by Air Force Intelligence and the other was arrested at the border gate by Political Security and transferred to an unknown location. Since then, their families have not been able to find out where they are or receive any news about them.

On August 3, 2013, Jumaa Hasno, a young man in his thirties, intended to travel to Lebanon to work there. He left his home at exactly 5 a.m. on that date, and at exactly 10 a.m. he was in front of the border gate, where he got off the bus to hand over his ID to the Political Security window responsible for the crossing. Suddenly, they arrested him and took him to an unknown location. According to the testimony of the passengers who were with him at the time of the arrest, who informed his family,

His family searched for him in the security branches, but without any results. A year after his arrest, one of those released, named Wasil Hamsho, contacted his family and told them that he had seen the victim in Mezzeh prison. However, the family was unable to verify the information.

As for the victim, Anas Hasno, a farmer in his thirties, he was sitting with his family in his home in Al-Treimseh, Hama countryside, when the Air Force Security stormed his home and arrested him in front of his wife and relatives for several hours until a military vehicle belonging to them arrived and took him to an unknown location.

His family searched the security branches in Damascus, but to no avail.

The practice of enforced disappearance has become widespread since the beginning of the conflict in Syria and has become systematic and widespread, amounting to crimes against humanity that do not expire with time.

Human rights defenders are concerned about the fate of the two victims and the widespread violations of their basic rights, and they called on the UN team to intervene with the authorities to help the victims’ relatives know the fate and place of detention of their relatives, release them quickly, and place them under the protection of the law.

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