شكاوى مرسلة وليد رمضان

Alkarama has direct consent from the family of the disappeared to submit this communication form to the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances on their behalf and will be able to provide follow up by conveying information between the family and the Working Group.

  1. INFORMATION CONCERNING THE disappeared person

(a) *Family name(s): Ramadan (رمضان)

(b) * Given names(s): Walid (وليد)

(c) Pseudonyms or other forms besides given name, by which he or she may be known:

(d) Sex: Male

(e) Occupation/profession: Mechanic and owner of a shop

(f) Father’s name: Shaaban                                           Mother’s name: Shahdeyiah Zidan

(g) Date of birth: 01/12/1960

(h) Place and country of birth: Syria

(i) Was the person below 18 years-old at the moment of the disappearance?   No

(j) Identity document (passport, national identity card, voter’s card or any other relevant national identity card)

Type: Other

Number:  Khaldiah District no. 293

Date of issue:

Place and country of issue: Secretariat of the Civil Registry in Homs, Syria

(k) Nationality or nationalities: Syrian

(l) Address of usual residence:  Homs- Khalidiya- versus Masakin Al Moualmin – street Ali Darwish

(m) Any other place of residence at the moment of the disappearance

(n) Marital status: Married

(o) Indigenous: No

(p) Pregnant: No



(a) * Date of arrest, abduction or disappearance (at least month and year)

14 November 2012.

(b) * Place of arrest, abduction or where the disappearance occurred (be as precise as possible. Indicate street, city, province or any other relevant information)

At a checkpoint located between the neighbourhood of Masakin Al Moualemin and that of Masakin Al Ta’menat, in Homs.

(c) * Date  when  the  person  was  last  seen  (at  least  month  and  year),  if different   from   date  of   arrest  or abduction (for example: if seen in a prison months after the initial arrest or abduction)

(d) * Place where the person was last seen (if different   from   place of   arrest or abduction. For example: if seen in a prison months after the initial arrest or abduction. Please, be as precise as possible. Indicate street, city, province or any other relevant information)

(e) Please, provide a full description of how the disappearance took place (attach one page if necessary. Please note that, although this is not a required element, providing a description as detailed as possible of the circumstances of the disappearance will enhance the possibilities to find the person)

On 14 November 2012, around 9 a.m., Mr Mohamed Ramadan and Mr Walid Ramadan were travelling in Mr Walid Ramadan’s car, a Pickup Peugeot, together with some of their neighbours, Mr AbdelHay Saadeddine Saffour, Mr AbdelHalim Saadeddine Saffour and his son Mr Raed Saffour. They were stopped at a checkpoint which is located between the neighbourhood of Masakin Al Moualemin and that of Masakin Al Ta’menat, in Homs, and were arrested by members of the Air Force Intelligence wearing military clothes as well as civilian clothes and who did not provide any arrest warrant.

According to a witness, Mr Mohamed Ramadan and Mr Walid Ramadan were asked to put their t-shirts over their heads. According to the witness, members of the Air Force Intelligence had told the witness they were taking Mr Mohamed Ramadan and Mr Walid Ramadan to the Air Forces branch in Homs.

(f) * State or State-supported forces believed to be responsible for the disappearance. If the perpetrators are believed to be State agents, please specify and indicate who and why they are believed to be responsible. Be as precise as possible (military, police, persons in uniform or civilian clothes, agents of security services, unit to which they belong, rank and functions, identifications presented, etc.)

Air Force Intelligence.

(g) If identification as State agents is not possible, please indicate why you believe that Government authorities, or persons linked to them, may be responsible for the incident

(h) If there are witnesses to the incident, please provide their names and relation to the victim. If they wish to remain anonymous, indicate if they are relatives, by-standers, or others. If there is evidence, please specify.

The witness resides in the neighborhood where the arrest took place, but he does not wish to provide his name.

(i) Additional Information on the case. Please indicate any other relevant information that could be useful to find the person





* Indicate any action taken (police inquiries, jail, human rights commission, habeas corpus petition etc.) taken by the relatives or others to locate the person. You are required to state the following: when, by whom, and before which organ the actions were taken.


(a) Complaints (when, by whom, and before which organ/s)

In the beginning of 2013 the family submitted the case to the National Reconciliation Commission based in Homs, which asked them to come back after twenty days. This proceeding, however, did not give any result. The family inquired the Reconciliation Commission a second time, but again with no results.

(b) Other steps taken (when, by whom, and before which organ/s)

(c) If no action was taken, please explain why



* Person submitting the communication

(a) Family name: MESLI

(b) First name: Rachid

(c)Relationship with the disappeared person: Mandated by the family of the victim to submit the case.

(d) Contact details (address, telephone, fax, email): Alkarama Foundation

150 route de Ferney,

C.P 2100, 1211 Genève 2


Tel: +41(0) 22 734 10 06

Fax: +41(0) 22 545 76 55

Email: geneva@alkarama.org

* Organization submitting the communication (if applicable)

(e) Contact details (address, telephone, fax, email):

Alkarama Foundation

150 route de Ferney,

C.P 2100,1211 Genève 2


Tel: +41(0) 22 734 10 06

Fax: +41(0) 22 545 76 55

Email: geneva@alkarama.org

Human Rights Guardians (حماة حقوق الانسان)

Feuzi paa CD, k16,

Antakya, Hatay, Turkey

Tel. 0090 535 836 55 30

Email: hr.guardians@gmail.com


  1. confidentiality request

Yes, keep my identity confidential: _____   No request for confidentiality: X


* Date: 16/03/2015                               Place: Geneva

* Signature of author:

Me Rachid Mesli                                                         Me Amal Al Naasan

Director, Legal department, Alkarama                          President, Human Rights Guardians

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